Course Information
While The Steve Carter Training Facility at Leak City can offer a broad range of training, the most important component of Leak City is the people who participate in the training. We all know how important the relationships are within our profession and Leak City offers the perfect opportunity for you and your employees to network, share ideas, and share experiences with our colleagues from around the southeast as well as the entire nation.
As a general rule, training March through October is scheduled every other week, and generally Tuesday through Thursday. Training scheduled on our calendar normally involves a curriculum offered by one of the training organizations utilized at Leak City, or training specific to a manufacturer or vendor. Leak City is also open to utilities who would like to bring their own company procedures and personnel for training. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.
Leak City offers regularly scheduled training covering the following areas, and can also be tailored to fit your individual needs:
Leak Patrol, Leak Detection (Inside & Outside), Customer Leak Investigation
Regulator Training
Industrial Meter Sets
Pigging & Purging
First Response
Code Compliance
Cathodic Protection & Corrosion as well as NACE Corrosion Training
Confined Space
Leak Repair Under Pressure
Fire Training (Main & Service Fires, Ground Fires, Regulator Fires)
Tapping & Stopping
Installing Mains & Services
Properties of Natural Gas, Emergency Conditions, Accidental Release of Gas, Etc
Locating Underground Facilities